New Nunchaku Stock

It will only be matter of days now. Our new nunchaku stock will be complete. All the new stock is dry and being strung. We were waiting for some new colors of para-cord to arrive for the 2017 holiday batches. It has been hot, the main woodshop doesn’t have AC, so when it’s 96 outside, it’s 115 inside. While the heat has been uncomfortable, we scored some great pieces of bloodwood and cocobolo this time and we can’t wait to get them in the store for all to see. We have smaller lengths and larger lengths of nunchaku in cocobolo, red oak, and bloodwood as well as the standard 12″ styles.
Stringing takes some time but we will be uploading them as fast as possible. Unlike other stores, we have to take photos of each pair because the one you see is the one you get. In the end it is all worth it. Handmade martial arts nunchaku crafted in the USA. Our nunchaku are a perfect gift for a martial artist. Each one unique. Each one an individual like the martial arts practitioner who uses them. That is one of the great things about our nunchaku. You will always know which is yours on your schools weapon rack.
Look for the new stock to hit the store around 8/30/16. We will be sending out a newsletter or registered users on the arrival of our new stock so sign up soon! Also twitter and Facebook, Google plus will get the release. This time due to the ever growing demand, we have already begun the next batch to ensure we can keep up with the holiday shopping season, but quantiles are limited in each batch so check the website often.