3 days left for shipping by Christmas
More Cocobolo to come. In 2016 we have secured a great source for the beloved cocobolo hard wood. You will see them as a regular throughout the year in all of our short batches. In addition to that we will feature more red oak is a larger range of sizes including tapered, the addition of more Black Locust hardwood and in time all of these available to chain linked nunchaku.
While some of the exotic hardwoods are obviously imported to our American wood distributors, we try to make every single item used to make our product come from companies who make and manufacturer their product in the United States. This goes for all our wood shop materials, the ropes, shipping ect. We take great pride in being a 100% American (United States) made product.
The last sale of the year will be wrapping up this week, again anything shipped by 21st should arrive on time to all locations on the main land Untied States
Have a Happy Holiday!